

This HP will explain more than 50 Sudoku algorithms. Several elementary algorithms are helpful for humans to solve with pencils and intelligence alone. Advanced algorithms are for programs.
i think, this puzzle is extremely difficult for humans to solve. It would be better not to try. This is a puzzle handled by the program.


This is about theGNPX v5.
The basics of the Sudoku analysis algorithm can be found in Sudoku Algorithm. If you're not familiar with Sudoku Algorithm, that's a good place to start.

 Algorithm (v5)

"Sudoku Algorithm 5" is a rough explanation of the idea behind the Sudoku analysis algorithm and the methods introduced in GNPX v5.
In the explanation, there are many images to explain the logic. Being too specific makes it difficult to understand the essence.
Also,GNPX v5 is a version that expands on how to solve Sudoku.

  1. Locked
  2. ALS
  3. Link
  4. eNetwork
  5. Bit representation, bit operations

  6. Analysis algorithm system (v5)
  7. Fish Family
  8. SueDeCoq Family
  9. SueDeCoqEx, Franken SueDeCoq
  10. DeathBlossom...Algorithm Consideration
  11. eNetwork analysis algorithm

 Others, etc.

  1. WHS

Top inserted by FC2 system